Be The Fresh Start Foundation is unique in that we support our fellow, smaller charitable organizations in order to have the biggest impact on the community.
Our goal is to build an engine to carry our Fresh Start initiative into the future. We hope our charitable efforts continue to better the lives of others for years to come.
We believe a better world starts with children. In tandem with the Youth Business Alliance (YBA), and Brighter Children, we have raised more than $10,000 for international childhood education.
The Fresh Start Attitude means changing the world by changing yourself. Our foundation will do just that: in changing ourselves, we hope to change the world around us. At the Be The Fresh Start Foundation, we promote healthy living, a positive attitude, and community responsibility. This push started in our corporate office.
First, we introduced a company-wide exercise initiative with walks every Tuesday through a local park. Next, we filled the break room with fruit and other healthy snacks for our employees. We asked for anonymous submissions of how the work environment could be better for those who were there on a daily basis. After a few months, we made many changes around the office, but most importantly, our employees are happy.
As we realized the impact that compassion and an emphasis on caring for others could have, we decided this idea needed to be replicated on a much larger scale. Thus, the foundation was born. It has rolled forward ever since, promoting positivity, a healthy lifestyle, and community engagement.
We are very excited to continue our work with YBA, Bright Children, and the many other organizations bringing our Fresh Start attitude to the less fortunate.
By promoting other organizations, creating our own opportunities, and spreading our Fresh Start attitude, our foundation continues toward the promise of a better future for all. Join us in making the world a better place.
Be the Fresh Start
7721 Densmore Ave.
Van Nuys, CA 91406