We have never seen an outbreak like the coronavirus pandemic in our lifetime. It’s understandable so many people feel overwhelmed and lost as the situation evolves daily. If you feel worried or confused, we’re here to help. We’ve gathered some of the most essential coronavirus tips for taking care of yourself, your family, and your community.
First, follow the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization for regular updates. This situation changes on a day-to-day basis. Also follow the directives and advice of local officials. Take all social distancing measures seriously. By limiting your exposure to other people, you contribute significantly to global efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus.
Wash hands regularly and thoroughly. The CDC recommends washing for twenty seconds at a time. Be conscious of any physical contact between you and a person or object outside your home. Sanitize your hands as soon as you arrive home and even after retrieving a package from your front porch.
Call your doctor to report any signs of a coronavirus infection. This could include dry cough, shortness of breath, or fever. In mild cases, you may be asked to stay home. The healthcare system is at risk of being overwhelmed by coronavirus, and it is possible you may not be tested even if you exhibit symptoms. In such circumstances, do not panic. Most individuals are capable of recovering from coronavirus at home in a matter of days. However, monitor your symptoms closely, and stay up-to-date with the CDC’s list of emergency warning signs. If you experience complications such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, new confusion, or bluish lips or face, seek medical attention immediately.
Maintain a sanitized home and work environment. A professional sanitization crew can help provide peace of mind, especially if you own a business property. For this, you can contact your local 911 Restoration franchise. We have sanitization teams all across the U.S. Our compassionate technicians are eager to help local homes and businesses find reassurance in these uncertain times. They are all trained to follow CDC and EPA protocols.
This is a challenging time. But it’s not forever. Stay strong. Take care of each other. And call 911 Restoration for peace of mind and support.